I started this blog as a place for me to come and share some memories that I want to last forever, but some days, I am having a hard time even finding time to get here to post. Guess that is the price that you pay when you are a work at home mom with two babies running around under your feet 24/7. But I would not trade it for the world! What I would trade, however, is my house. I would LOVE for it to go under contract so that we can finally move closer to Evan's new job. It would be awesome to be able to see my husband more every day, to not pay the cost of commuting 3 hours each day in today's gas prices, and to just feel settled already. I know that all of this will come in God's time, but man, I am finding a hard time being patient lately. This is something that I know that I must pray about and truly turn over to God. I am working on that!
Okay... so, since last I posted Spring has sprung and then disappeared again, St. Patty's day came and went, and I became the mother of an EIGHT year old!!! Whew! I can not believe that my little baby Tyson turned eight! It seems like just yesterday that I found out that I was pregnant with him. In June of 2002 Evan and I decided to throw caution to the wind and start trying to have a baby. The next day, Evan was not so sure. haha. He wanted to talk about it and really think it through, as was his personality. Well, we didn't have much time to talk about it, we found out we were pregnant two weeks later. :-) I remember the excitement. I remember not telling him that I had gotten a pregnancy test, taking the test (while he was at work), and then being so shocked and excited that it was positive. I could not contain my excitement- I called him and told him over the phone. Not the most earth shattering way to break the news, but he was super excited too.
I remember the long wait to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl, and being just certain that it was going to turn out to be a girl. Her name would be Taylor. haha. Well, then that appointment came, and I was SO wrong. Little Tyson Andrew was growing inside my belly. We were thrilled!! I remember the false labor that sent this anxious first time mommy to be to the doctor's office two weeks before her due date, only to be told that I was dehydrated. I remember being in middle of parent- teacher conference day and going to the bathroom, and my water broke. I remember walking to the classroom next door and asking the teacher what it felt when your water broke because I was so nervous that I was wrong again. I remember getting in the car and calling Evan, who was at home already, and asking him to get my clothes ready to go to the hospital. I remember calling my mom almost in tears with anxiousness and nervousness to tell her that it was TIME! And I remember getting to the hospital and being there for what felt like forever before labor actually came on. I remember them telling me that it was not going to happen anytime over night so they gave me some good sleeping medicine, and that is just about the last thing I remember. haha. You see- they did not want to check me too often because my water had broke and they did not want to cause infection. What they did not realize, however, is that the machine had somehow messed up and was not registering my contractions. I remember telling that the doctor that I was sure something was happening and he finally agreed to check me and was shocked to find that I was at a full ten centimeters and that little boy was coming! They took me to a delivery room and I remember there being A LOT of student nurses in there. Three pushes later, my beautiful little boy was born. I remember they laid him on my chest, and I was with it enough to know that I could not be responsible for him, so I asked Evan to take him. I remember Evan saying that his head was so big- he had seen Tyson crowing and was not expecting what was coming out to grow so much. haha. What a fabulous day that was. We had so many visitors in and out of the hospital room that night. It was great.
Well, I have to stop there for now-- It is time to go pick that handsome little boy up from second grade now along with his Kindergartner brother. More to come... hopefully later today.
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