Yesterday was a fun day, but it was followed by a very long night! Yesterday there was not too much on the To Do list. The babies and I had to make a run to the grocery store because we were completely out of fruit and breakfast items! That is never a good thing in this house. We always have tons of cereal choices on hand. Remember how Seinfeld's cereal cabinet was always stuffed and people would say, Who has that much cereal? Well, we do! Anyway... off to the grocery store we went. The babies had a blast "driving" the racecar cart. LOL.
We got out of the grocery store JUST in time for school pickup. We got almost back to the school when... Ut oh! The low fuel light staring blaring at me... 1 mile to empty. Yikes! Luckily we were right next to a gas station, so we got gas and then were just a few minutes later than usual getting into the pick up line. Whew!
So, for dinner last night, in honor of Dr. Suess' birthday, we had GREEN EGGS! I did not make ham, but we did have a yummy breakfast for dinner. The kids loved it and ate every single bit of the green eggs. I took a picture of that too, but I have not uploaded it to the computer yet. All in all, it was a good day.
And then the night came... Everyone went down fine, but just before bedtime, both babies started showing signs of a runny nose. Peyton woke up at least six times throughout the night. He wound up in our bed because I was so afraid that he was going to wake Chloe up. Finally, around 3:30 am, Evan put him back in his bed. We started to fall back asleep when Landon comes into our room and announces that he has thrown up in his room. Fun! Of course, the next thing out of his mouth is that he may need to stay home from school tomorrow. haha. That boy has his priorities. Needless to say... we are all tired today. The babies are taking an early nap, and soon we will be off to pick up the big boys from school. They have an early release day today and then a teacher work day tomorrow... should be a fun weekend.
Tonight is Tyson's basketball team's pizza party. Hopefully we will all be feeling good and it will be a good time for all. And we are praying that bedtime tonight is much smoother!!
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